The advantages of Taekwon-Do towards other forms of exercise
The advantage of athletic Taekwon-Do is that it consists of many hand and leg techniques, defense
and attack moves, kinesiology (feinting, stepping e.t.c.), numerous
combinations of them as well as the game tactics, which maximise the
stimulation and the performance of the trainee not only physically but
also mentally.
The special games added at the beginning of the training enrich the already plentiful set of Taekwon-Do exercises and at the same time entertain the children, making Taekwon-Do more appealing to younger ages but also beneficial for their biological breeding. If we add the large variety of different moves of traditional Taekwon-Do syllabus that is practised in parallel especially in younger ages, we conclude that Taekwon-Do overgrows the needs of the children (and other ages trainees as well), not only physically but also at the field of brain stimulation and mental processes, that are essential for the total growth of the child:
1. The ability to focus and maintain its concentration at the proper field for the time needed.
2. The space and time perception as well as taking them into account while making a move concerning the one of the opponent.
3. Memorazing all the useful information and applying them in practise (usage of the technique and tactics at the game)
4. Comparing the techniques and analysing the details (similarities/differences). Choosing and applying the techniques that each athlete finds suitable.
5. The lightning recall of information from long-term memory to immediate use them at the game (tactics/ strategic).
6. The rapid decision on which technique – among others- they should use in each battle of the game, depending on the opponent and the prevailing game conditions that are continuously changing (tiredness, injury, score progress e.t.c.)
7. The analysis -in inconceivable speed- of numerous information received from the opponent and the environment at once. The immediate dismissal of irrelevant or uninteresting game information (e.g. arena noise, voices from the bleachers, happenings in the next terain e.t.c.) and utter focus in the main matter (opponent).
8. The cooperation in a great manner of many brain centers, the Central Nervous System (CNS), the neurons, the junctions, the neurotransmitters and the peripheral nervous system.
Source: (Extract of the project-article of Konstantinos Mpeis – You can read the whole project HERE)