January 28, 2025

13th World Championship Junior Male/Female & 8th Veteran Male/Female, Minsk 2018

In an announcement by I.T.F. the official announcement of the 13th World Championship Junior Male/Female and 8th Veteran Male/Female was posted. This year the World Championship will take place in Minsk, Belarus on 19th-27th August 2018. The World Festival Celebration will take place at the Sports Center “Sport Palace

Since 1974, Greece has established its position in the world and is one of the strongest forces in Taekwon-Do I.T.F. Each year, Greek athletes and coaches impress with their performances in international and world competitions bringing many medals as well as their excellent technical training is the main ingredient in the recipe of success.

As a result of this effort, Greece in the European Championship 2018 won 3rd place in the overall ranking.

The final program of the championship provides for the participation of athletes to be checked (nationality, possession of black zone, booklet I.T.F.) and weighing them until Tuesday 21/8, on Wednesday 22/8 the opening ceremony and then the start of the matches by on Thursday 23/8 until Sunday 26/8.

Source: International Taekwon-Do Federation (I.T.F.)

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